by Rebecca
16. January 2016 20:53

Another year and another trip. Each first day of travel is a mixture of blessings and frustrations. Reminders that some things will never change. Something will go wrong as you travel – no matter how hard you plan or try to prepare for it – it’s the one thing that you can definitely count on. Landing in Mazatlan, it had been a full day of oversleeping, parking in the wrong part of the airport, just barely checking bags in time, 5 major arguments that co-passengers had (one that almost had us concerned as they ran towards the cockpit), delays, and customs interviews (which was a little difficult because what questions do you ask someone who has a bag full of “clown” supplies – I can’t imagine how they kept a straight face). The only thing you can do is laugh and just rest in God’s arms from moment to moment.

But then you walk through the gate and into Mexico and see the team. The second thing that I can always count on is how open and loving the team is. I am not the outsider or visitor from Seattle. I am a member and the smiles, love, support, and hope that we have for each other is beautiful! I am looking forward to each moment that is yet to come.