Overslept past when I wanted to leave the hotel in London and was absolutely convinced that I had missed my plane. Fortunately, London security going into the airport was relatively simple and I did not have to panic as much as I initially determined. Upon finally boarding my plane, I found out that I was seated between a Welsh actor and an English actress. They explained they were both traveling to Romania for work and we began to chat about clowns (turns out the Welsh actor had a background and still does “clown”), music, dancing, and Romania. We attempted to leaf through my Romanian phrase book, more than likely to the irritation of the nearby passengers. The ones that gave us the funniest looks, I asked if they would like to be our teacher, to which they promptly (yet politely) declined. It made the 3 hour flight go by significantly faster. After landing, It took about an hour for all of my bags to be unloaded but finally I was out of the airport and we were on our way and getting luggage situated for the upcoming week.
Sunday was spent visiting a couple local churches to announce the clown class, ask for volunteers, and to ask for prayer through the week. I loved attending the local churches as they allow more of the congregants to participate in the service using their various gifts. Poems, songs, music – all ages and all genders. It is really moving. There was a man who sang a beautiful song about the Prodigal Son which was written by two Romanian men imprisoned during Communism. Even if you can’t understand the words, the beauty and power in the name of Jesus and the beautiful story of faith in trial could be felt. Additionally, a group sang “It is Well” acapella and in Romanian.

I about started to cry as that is the last song that I sang with Grandpa T before he passed away. It was a reminder that the God of the man who profoundly influenced my life and taught me to clown, is also here with me on this trip.

Finally, I was able to hear some of the girls who clowned with me last year sing their songs they had prepared. They have such a pure love for God, it’s truly a great sight to see.
Upon arriving at home, we prepared for the first day of ministry – a local preschool and clown training class. As we were looking through supplies that I brought and supplies from previous years, we found a couple rolls of “Isus Te Iubeste” stickers. After everyone went to bed, I had to take a picture of the stickers. Again, it was a reminder of Grandma Kay and Grandpa T – Grandma Kay who is unable to return to Romania and Grandpa T who is in Heaven. Both of them had the stickers custom made and I have been unable to make them so far. And here they were, ready for this year. Ready for this time.

Oh, and we are very excited because we have permission to visit the parks this year. :-) Overall, it looks like an exciting year ahead.